Chromebooks are everywhere these days. At least, they are everywhere when it comes to in-the-classroom technology. They are fabulous tools, and they can do some pretty cool things – and even if you haven’t had a chance to explore all the keyboard shortcuts, I’ll bet your student have 🙂
Here are a few shortcuts that will save you some time and frustration as we head back to school with devices in student’s hands.
shift + ctrl + t
will open recently closed tabs – super handy if you just know that a student could not possibly find the outline assignment you just gave them to be that funny
ctrl + alt + z
if a student’s Chromebook starts talking unexpectedly, here’s how to get it to quiet down. This feature is great for accessibility, but if a student needs that support, a pair of headphones are worth the investment
ctrl + shift + refresh arrow
if a student’s screen is sideways or upside down, this particular key combination will solve the problem.