Flubaroo is a google add-on tool for google sheets that will automatically grade submissions based on the criteria that are set by the teacher. It’s an extremely popular add-on. In its first iteration, it was a tool that worked best just with multiple choice or single word text/number questions. Recently it has undergone improvements that make it much more student-centered and teacher-friendly.

You can now “hand-grade” student short answers and leave specific feedback without leaving the window – a huge time-saver for teachers. In addition to that, and even better than that – flubaroo now includes an option to send the quiz/exit slip to your student’s google drive.
So, why is this so cool? Because now your students can have the copy of the quiz/exit slip questions, their answers, and your feedback on a single google doc in their drive. No left-behind sheets, no crumpled and thrown in the trash papers. The commenting feature of google docs allows the work to be the start of the conversation, not the end.
Below is a short overview of the improved features in action. If you are new to flubaroo, take a look at the other videos below to get you up to speed.
Flubaroo Improvements
Intro to Flubaroo
Installing Flubaroo
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