Tech Tip Tuesday: Annotate Easier by Moving Google Slides to Keynote on Your iPad

Today’s tip is for teachers who have an iPad and TV and want to recapture the annotation functionality they had with an interactive whiteboard.

More and more secondary schools are moving away from interactive whiteboards and to large-screen televisions and iPads. Overall, I’m in favor of the move, but it doesn’t come without some pain points.

One of the biggest pain points is the loss of the ability to write directly on the board. Specifically, the annotation of presentations has to be done differently. In the five minute video below, I walk you through going from a Google Slide presentation on your iPad to Keynote and then using Keynote’s drawing tools to annotate.

For this to look exactly as you see in the video, upgrade your iOS to 13.1.3 and be running the most recent version of Keynote on your iPad.

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